Self proclaimed podcast junkie? Avid traveller? Whether you’re the first, second or both, it’s time to rejoice because we’ve tracked down the best podcasts to listen to while you’re soaking up the great outdoors.

According to the Internet, podcasts are all the rage right now – and we can understand why. First of all, they’re totally “user-friendly” and pander perfectly to our busy lifestyles. One can master the art of multitasking by learning, listening and engaging, all while committing to their daily itinerary of tasks – like working, commuting, shopping, and best of all, adventuring.

Needless to say, we’ve been converted.

She Explores

The She Explores podcast is pleasantly addictive, and for all the right reasons. You’ll be listening to the voices of strong, empowering and inquisitive women who all share one common interest – the great outdoors. Covering a broad range of enlightening topics – most notably why the outdoors is essential to our overall health and vitality, every episode caters to women of all backgrounds and lifestyles. Whether you’re a keen camper, hiker or climber, or you just appreciate the benefits of a little vitamin D, you’ll breathe easy as a dialogue of comfort and wisdom awaits.

The Dirtbag Diaries

We gotta salute outdoor writer, Fitz Cahall, for this award-winning podcast. Originally stemming from the depths of his Seattle closet ten years ago, The Dirtbag Diaries has since prompted over 9 million downloads worldwide and been named the best podcast by Outside Magazine. Not for the faint-hearted, Fitz and his team of nomads are all about real adventures minus the polished filters, covering everything from climbing, skiing, hiking, biking and everything in between. Dig back through the archives or start somewhere in the middle – this incredible podcast will help you harness your sense of adventure, no matter where you hit play.

Tough Girl Podcast

The title just about sums it up. The Tough Girl podcast is hosted by blogger, athlete and motivational speaker, Sarah Williams and sheds a light on inspirational women who have faced and overcome some of life’s most difficult challenges. Press play and listen to empowering women tell their unique stories about how they conquered their own bucket list of achievement despite all the setbacks they were dealt – like conquering the summits of the world’s highest peaks and competing in an iron man competition to overcome cancer.

Wild Ideas Worth Living

Befriend lovable host, Shelby Stanger, as she hangs out with an impressive line up of awe-inspiring guests, each with a unique story to be told. Dedicated to motivate, inspire and encourage people to live life to the fullest, Shelby interviews world-class explorers, scientists, health experts, authors, athletes, performers and entrepreneurs about how they’ve seized their own ideas and made them into a reality. Get acquainted with amazing personalities like shark-bite survivor and surfer, Mike Coots, influential artist, Andy Davis, and many more! Listen to Wild Ideas Worth Living here!

Feeling inspired?

Check out our upcoming adventures in our 2018 calendar!