Tag Archives: Boots

Choosing The Right Gear For Your Adventure

Planning on embarking on an exciting adventure off the beaten track? Congratulations! There’s no better feeling than swapping the hustle and bustle of the city for the fresh, invigorating air that Mother Nature has to offer. But first, you will need to invest in some key items to ensure you have a comfortable and safe trip.

Here, we’ve provided some essential tips to ensure you have the right equipment for your epic outdoor escape.


There is nothing worse than blisters on a trekking adventure. They are painful and can lead to more serious injury if left untreated. Possibly worse is enduring the pain of breaking your boots in, only to have them fall apart halfway into your trek. Ensuring your boots are well-made and are the correct fit is imperative before setting off on your Inspired Adventure. Be sure to check the seams of your new boots, including the stitching and shoelace eyelets. These areas should be reinforced and the stitching should appear solid. Next, inspect the area where the sole meets the upper material. There should be no gaps! Gaps equals water, water equals soggy socks and soggy socks equals unhappy trekkers.

Whether you’ve purchased your boots especially for your adventure or you’ve had them for years, how you care for them primarily determines how well they will hold up as you take on the world. Chris Mein from Paddy Pallin shares his best tips for keeping your boots in tip top shape:

  1. Clean your boots thoroughly after every trek. Many foreign substances can affects the rubber, glue and leather of your boots.
  2. To dry your boots, stuff them with newspaper and let them air dry. Store them in a dry place, away from direct sunlight.
  3. Treat your boots with a conditioner before and after long treks to keep them supple and protected.

Trekking Poles

There are many benefits to using trekking poles. They significantly reduce the pressure strain on the opposite leg and allow you to lengthen your stride while protecting your knees. While the use of trekking poles is a personal decision, using them correctly is imperative.

The number one reason for complaints about trekking poles is that most people do not know how to use them. As a result, it is easy to believe there is no benefit to them or that they get in the way. Fortunately the proper technique is easy to pick up and can be mastered with a little practice. So how do you ensure you are getting the most from your poles?

  • Set the correct height: Stand up straight with your shoulders relaxed. Place the pole under your arm, then adjust it so the top of the pole is halfway between your armpit and your elbow. You will find that generally this height will work for the duration of your adventure.
  • Wrist straps: To get the maximum efficiency from your poles, you should place your hands through the loop, your thumb and forefinger forming a “U” or an “O” shape around the grip.
  • Terrain: Terrain impacts the way you will position your poles while trekking.


There’s not enough and there’s too much. So how do you know how to maintain optimum hydration while trekking? Adventurer, Lucas Trihey explains how you can achieve the perfect balance:

  • Dehydration seriously affects performance and if not rectified can lead to fatigue, heatstroke and tissue damage. Taking small sips of water before you become thirsty and adding electrolytes will assist in preventing dehydration.
  • To avoid water intoxication, don’t drink more than your thirst level indicates and remember that the maximum amount of water that your gastrointestinal tract can absorb is about 800 mls per hour.
  • The right fabrics and garments play an important role in keeping your body temperature and fluid balance right. Covering up with technical fabrics on hot days helps conserve your fluids and using wicking fabrics helps your body’s evaporative cooling mechanism.


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